Sunday, September 30, 2007

Grails (0.6) Gotchas . . .

  • Multi-select dropdown box with size attribute doesn't work as expected
  • Though the documentation select tag in GSP tablibrary doesn't explicitely say anything about multiple select, it works by passing additional parameters ( multiple="multiple" size="4"). e.g.

    <g:select name="" from="${StockPurchase.list()}" optionkey="id" multiple="multiple" size="4"></g:select>

    However, the result will produce a multi select drop-down but the size attribute is not honored. The bug lies in css. Open main.css under web-app/css and edit the following line and remove select,:

    input, select, textarea {

  • many-to-many stores relations in wrong columns
  • e.g. Problem domain A stock is sold that was purchased multiple times (in fractions). A stock is sold multiple times (in fractions) that was purchased in whole once. Domain Classes

    class StockPurchase { static belongsTo = [StockSale] static hasMany = [stockSales:StockSale] } class StockSale { static hasMany = [stockPurchases:StockPurchase] }


    class StockSaleController { //code omitted for brevity //... def save = { def stockSale = new StockSale() = params def stockPurchases = params.'' stockPurchases.each { stockSale.addToStockPurchases(StockPurchase.findById(it)) } if( { flash.message = "StockSale ${} created." redirect(action:show, } else { render(view:'create',model:[stockSale:stockSale]) } } }

    In addition to stock_sale and stock_purchase tables, it also craetes a reference table named stock_sale_stock_purchase (with columns stock_sales_id, stock_purchases_id) automatically to support many-to-many relationship. However, when a stock sale is saved, the reference table ends up with ids switched. But the application works correctly as expected. I initially thought there could be a bug. But looks like there isn't and it is expected to work that way. Check for an explanation by Graeme Rocher here

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