Thursday, February 08, 2024

Spring Boot - log database query and binding parameters . . .

Environment: Java 21, Spring Boot 3.2.2, PostgreSQL 16, maven 3.9.6 on macOS Catalina 10.15.7

In a Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA application with Hibernate as the default JPA implementation, to log generated SQLs along with the values bound to parameters configure the following properties in relevant env related or application.yml file.
E.g. application-test.yml

logging: level: org.hibernate.SQL: debug org.hibernate.orm.jdbc.bind: trace
With the above Hibernate log levels, generated SQL query gets logged followed by binding parameter values.

To have the generated SQL query formatted, add the following JPA property:
spring: jpa: properties: hibernate: format_sql: true


Setting the property to true is another way to see generated SQL, but it only gets outputted to the standard out, not to logs.